Wilhelm Trubner
German, 1851-1917
was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl. Trubner was born in Heidelberg and had early training as a goldsmith. In 1867 he met classicist painter Anselm Feuerbach who encouraged him to study painting, and he began studies in Karlsruhe under Fedor Dietz. The next year saw him studying at the Kunstacademie in Munich, where he was to be greatly impressed by an international exhibition of paintings by Leibl and Gustave Courbet. Courbet visited Munich in 1869, not only exhibiting his work but demonstrating his alla prima method of working quickly from nature in public performances. This had an immediate impact on many of the city's young artists, who found Courbet's approach an invigorating alternative to the shopworn academic tradition. The early 1870s were a period of discovery for Tr??bner. He travelled to Italy, Holland and Belgium, and in Paris encountered the art of Manet, whose influence can be seen in the spontaneous yet restrained style of Trubner's portraits and landscapes. During this period he also made the acquaintance of Carl Schuch, Albert Lang and Hans Thoma, German painters who, like Trubner, greatly admired the unsentimental realism of Wilhelm Leibl. This group of artists came to be known as the "Leibl circle". He published writings on art theory in 1892 and 1898, which express above all the idea that "beauty must lie in the painting itself, not in the subject". By urging the viewer to discover beauty in a painting's formal values, its colors, proportions, and surface, Trubner advanced a philosophy of "art for art's sake". Related Paintings of Wilhelm Trubner :. | Frau am Chiemsee | Einfahrtsweg zum Stift Neuburg | Teerosen und Flieder im Glas | The Pub on Fraueninsel | Park Knorr am Starnberger See | Related Artists: georg engelhardt schroderGeorg Engelhard Schröder, född den 31 maj 1684 i Stockholm, gift 1727 med Anna Brigitta Spöring, död den 17 maj 1750; konstnär, porträtt- och historiemålare.
Georg Engelhard Schröders far, Veit Engelhard, hade omkring år 1670 kommit från N??rnberg och bosatt sig i Stockholm där Georg Engelhard föddes 1684. Han blev tidigt elev hos konstnären och målaren David von Krafft (1655-1724) men lämnade honom 1703 för utlandsstudier.
Under 21 år for Georg Engelhard runt i Europa. Han vistades först en tid i Nordtyskland, innan färden gick vidare till Italien. I Venezia förblev han under fem år och kopierade gamla mästare, sysslade med vedutamåleri och hade kontakt med pastellmålarinnan Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757). I Roma tog han intryck av barockmålarna Carlo Dolci (1616-1686), Carlo Maratta (1625-1713), Francesko Trevisani (1656-1746) m.fl. och tillägnade sig det raska men ytliga framställningssätt, som tillhörde den tidens italienska konst. I Paris samlade han impulser hos den franske målaren Noel Nicolas Coypel (1690-1734). Reminiscenser av den italienska och franska konsten kan man påträffa flerstädes i hans kompositioner. I London stannade han i sju år och tog starka intryck av Godfrey Knellers (1646-1723) och Dahls porträttkonst.
När Daniel von Krafft avled 1724 kallades Georg Engelhard Schröder hem till Sverige och efterträdde i december sin gamle läromästare som kunglig hovkonterfejare. Som sådan uppbar han lön. Konung Fredrik I satte stort värde på sin konterfejare, och lät honom måla otaliga porträtt av sig och sin drottning Ulrika Eleonora. År 1745 utnämndes han till hovintendent. Georg Engelhard anlitades mycket och samlade ihop en betydande förmögenhet. På 1740-talet nåddes Sverige av den nya franska smaken, i främsta rummet via konstnären Gustaf Lundberg (1695-1786), varvid Georg Engelhard kom att skjutas åt sidan. Han representerade i Sveriges 1700-talsmåleri sista skedet i det italienska inflytandet.
Långt ifrån den förnämste, var dock Georg Engelhard en av sin tids mest uppburne målare. Han arbetade inom ett vitt fält: utförde kyrktavlor, allegorier, historiska motiv och porträtt. Hans arbeten har ej sällan någonting vacklande och obestämt, vilket i förening med mycken ojämnhet i utförandet gör många av dem mindre tilltalande för konstkännaren. Han har dock efterlämnat verk, som vittnar om, att han, när han allvarligt uppbjöd sin förmåga, var mäktig till både varm och djup uppfattning samt hade stor skicklighet i färgbehandling och i framställningens enskildheter. w. von schadowFriedrich Wilhelm Schadow (7 September 1789 - 19 March 1862) was a German Romantic painter.
He was born in Berlin and was the second son of the sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow.
In 1806-1807 Friedrich served as a soldier. In 1810 he traveled with his elder brother Rudolph to Rome where he became one of the leaders among painters of the Nazarene movement. Following the example of Johann Friedrich Overbeck and others, he joined the Roman Catholic Church, and held that an artist must believe and live out the truths he essays to paint. The sequel showed that Schadow was qualified to shine more as a teacher and mentor than as a painter. As an author, he is best known for his lecture, Ueber den Einfluss des Christentums auf die bildende Kunst (About The Influence of Christianity On The Visual Arts) (Dusseldorf, 1843), and the biographical sketches, Der moderne Vasari (Berlin, 1854).
In Rome, Schadow was given one of his first major commissions when the Prussian Consul-General, General Jakob Salomon Bartholdy, befriended the young painter, and asked him and three young compatriots (Cornelius, Overbeck and Veit) to decorate in fresco a room in his house on the Pincian Hill. The overall theme selected was the story of Joseph and his brethren, and two scenes, the Bloody Coat and Joseph in Prison, were conferred on Schadow. In 1819, Schadow was appointed professor in the prestigious Berlin Academy of the Arts, and his ability and thorough training gained many devoted disciples.
It was during this period that Schadow developed his paintings for churches. In 1826, Professor Schadow was made director of the Dusseldorf Academy of the Arts, which he reoriented towards the production of Christian art, though he began a major dispute with one of its professors, Heinrich Christoph Kolbe, ending in the latter leaving the Academy in 1832. In 1837, Schadow selected, at request, those of his students best qualified to decorate the chapel of St Apollinaris on the Rhine with frescoes. When finished, they were acclaimed as the fullest and purest manifestation of the spiritual side of the D??sseldorf school. One of his famous students, Heinrich Mucke, carried on the liturgical art with emphasis both in painting and frescoes. The painting of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. considered one of his masterworks, was commissioned in 1842. Now in the Städel Museum, this large and important picture, while carefully considered and rendered, it however lacks power of some of his other works.
Schadow's fame rests less on his own artistic creations than on the school he formed. In D??sseldorf a reaction set in against the spiritual and sacerdotal style he had established and, in 1859, the party of naturalism, after a severe struggle, drove Director Schadow from his chair. Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow died at Dusseldorf in 1862, and a monument was erected in the square which bears his name at a jubilee held to commemorate his directorate.
The D??sseldorf School that Schadow directed became internationally renowned, attracting such American painters as George Caleb Bingham, Eastman Johnson, Worthington Whittredge, Richard Caton Woodville, William Stanley Haseltine, James M. Hart, and William Morris Hunt and producing the German emigre Emmanuel Leutze. Samuel Lancaster Gerry(1813-1891) was an artist in 19th-century Boston, Massachusetts. He painted portraits, and also landscapes of the White Mountains and other locales in New England. He was affiliated with the New England Art Union, and the Boston Artists' Association. In 1857 he co-founded the Boston Art Club.
Born in Boston, Gerry was self-taught as an artist. He showed works in many public settings, such as the 1841 exhibit of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association; and an 1879 exhibit of contemporary art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. He attended the 1860 convention of the National Art Association in Washington, DC.
New England Homestead, 1839, by S.L. GerryStudents of Gerry included H. Frances Osborne, Samuel Green Wheeler Benjamin, Fannie Elliot Gifford, Charles Wesley Sanderson, and J. Frank Currier. With the exception of three years abroad, his professional life was passed chiefly in Boston